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Yam Drying Process

2024-08-07 15:28:43

Using a drying machine can quickly evaporate the moisture in yam, significantly reducing drying time and improving production efficiency. It is not affected by weather and seasonal changes, allowing for year-round production and ensuring a stable supply and quality of the yam. The scientific hot air circulation design ensures that the yam is evenly heated, preventing partial over-drying or under-drying, thereby enhancing the overall quality. The enclosed drying environment prevents the intrusion of external contaminants, ensuring the cleanliness and safety of the yam.


The following is the drying process for yam:

  • Raw Material Preparation: Clean the fresh yam to remove soil and impurities from the surface.
  • Slicing: Cut the cleaned yam into uniform thin slices, usually 3-5 millimeters thick, to ensure even and fast drying.
  • Pre-treatment: Conduct appropriate pre-treatment of the sliced yam, such as blanching in hot water, to deactivate enzymes and prevent oxidation and discoloration.
  • Loading and Entering the Dryer: Evenly spread the treated yam slices on the drying trays, avoiding overlapping, and then place the trays in the hot air drying oven.
  • Hot Air Drying: Set the temperature and humidity of the drying oven, usually controlling the temperature at 50-60 degrees Celsius. The drying time depends on the thickness and moisture content of the yam slices, generally ranging from 6 to 8 hours. The scientific hot air circulation design ensures that the yam slices are evenly heated, and the moisture is gradually evaporated.
  • Cooling and Packaging: After drying is completed, remove the yam slices and place them in a clean environment to cool. After cooling, package them to avoid moisture absorption.

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