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JL-26 Seaweed Mesh Belt Dryer Shipping Site

2023-06-23 15:40:03

The JL-26 mesh belt dryer, equipped with biomass pellet combustion heating, was successfully tested before leaving the factory and is now being transported to Jilin, China. The customer, who processes kelp, brought 10 tons of wet goods to the factory for machine testing. The customer was very satisfied with the trial results. Based on their requirements, a customized mesh belt dryer measuring 26 meters in length, 2.5 meters in width, and consisting of 7 layers was designed to dry 50 tons of wet goods.


The Jinlu mesh belt dryer has a wide drying range:

Suitable for Drying Various Materials: Including Chinese herbal medicine particles, industrial chemicals, carbon-increasing machine particles, fruits, vegetables, and agricultural and food products.

High Drying Efficiency: The continuous mesh belt dryer has a high thermal utilization rate.

Large Drying Capacity: The mesh belt dryer is well-suited for large-scale, batch drying operations and can handle a large volume of goods.

Precise and Controllable Drying Temperature : The mesh belt dryer can accurately adjust the temperature and humidity according to the drying requirements and characteristics of different materials.

Easy to Operate: The mesh belt dryer is simple and convenient to operate, requiring only one or two people to feed the materials at the front end, and it has a high level of automation.

Uniform Drying, and the Excellent Quality: The materials dried by the mesh belt dryer are uniform and of high quality.


Working principle of the mesh belt dryer:

1.The heat source provides heat, and the induced draft fan introduces cold air, which is then heated into hot air after passing through the heat exchanger in the heat source section.

2.The hot air is delivered into the dryer to dry the materials.

3.The materials are evenly spread on the mesh belt by the material distribution mechanism on the conveyor belt and move in an “S” shape inside the dryer.

4.The hot air generated by the induced draft fan is uniformly dispersed inside the dryer. Due to the lower pressure at the bottom compared to the top, the hot air naturally moves upward, passing through each layer of the mesh belt, ensuring sufficient contact between the materials and the hot air to achieve the drying purpose.


We sincerely appreciate the customer’s trust and wish them a prosperous business!


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