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How to use the beef drying room to make high-quality jerky?

2023-07-29 16:53:22

1.Slice the selectedbeef, then put it in water to soak the blood, and then marinate it with seasoning;

2.Spread the seasoned and marinated beefslices on the drying tray, and then push them into the beef drying room for drying;

3.Pre-heating drying room to targeted temperature firstly, then adjust temperature, humidity and drying period of each stage on LCD screen, start drying.

4.After the drying is completed,push carts with dried beef out of room, packed for sale. Then repeat above steps to dry in batches.

The beef drying room of Jinlu Machinery adopts PLC control panel, intelligent operation and management, and automatically control the temperature and humidity of the drying room according to the drying needs of different materials. It is easy to operate and can greatly reduce labor costs. Customers can rest assured buy.

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