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How to dry tomatoes in a dryer?

2023-09-12 18:17:09

After drying, tomatoes can be stored for a long time and can also be packaged for sale. Do you know how tomatoes are dried? What is the drying process? Today, we will discuss the method of drying tomatoes using an air source heat pump drying room and the precautions to take during the drying process.

Selection of Raw Materials: The raw materials for drying tomatoes should be ripe with thick, dense flesh and relatively low juice content. It is recommended to choose varieties that are seedless and have little juice in the chambers.

Preparation of Raw Materials: Slice the tomatoes evenly and lay them flat on trays.

                                                                                         Tomato drying room

Drying Process: After placing the trays, load them onto a trolley and push the trolley into the drying room for dehydration and drying. Initially, set the temperature to 45°C and gradually increase it to 60-70°C. This prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture on the tomato surface, which can form a dry film and make it difficult for moisture inside the tissue to evaporate. The drying temperature should not be too high to avoid darkening the color of the tomatoes. To check if the tomatoes are dried to the desired level, you can take out a slice and press it with your fingers. If no moisture comes out, they are nearly dry. If it breaks easily, they are dried and should be removed from the trays immediately.

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