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How to Dry Onions?

2023-09-20 17:41:45

1.Rinse the onions thoroughly and during the washing process, select any onions with poor quality.

2.Slice the onions evenly and place them on trays without excessive stacking to avoid affecting the drying effects.


  • Temperature: Vegetables generally have a high moisture content, so it’s important to use low-temperature hot air drying to preserve their nutritional value. The drying temperature for onions should not exceed 50°C, and the moisture content should be reduced to at least 20% during drying. Drying can be done in multiple stages, starting with a temperature of 50-40°C, then 40-30°C, and finally reducing to around 35°C.
  • Drying Time: The drying cycle for a batch of onions is approximately 15 hours. Rapid drying can damage the quality of the drying.
  • Humidity: Vegetables contain certain amounts of sugars in their moisture, making dehydration more challenging. Controlling the dehydration rate is crucial.


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