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How to Better Dry Mangoes with a Mango Dryer

2024-07-24 11:22:57

I. Select Ripe Mangoes
Before drying, it’s crucial to choose ripe mangoes. Ripe mangoes typically exhibit a strong aroma, with yellowing skin and flesh that is soft yet not overripe.

II. Cleaning and Preparation
Wash the selected mangoes thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris on their surfaces. Then, dry them with a towel or paper towel to eliminate excess moisture.

III. Slicing or Dicing
Trim off the top and bottom of each mango. Cut the mangoes in half lengthwise, remove the pit, and then slice or dice the flesh into uniform pieces. Uniformity in size ensures even drying and faster processing.

                                                                               mango dryer

IV. Pre-Treatment
Before drying, spray some lemon juice on the mango slices. This helps maintain their vibrant color and prevents oxidation-induced darkening.

V. Drying Process
Place the prepared mango slices onto the drying trays of the mango dryer, ensuring they do not overlap for even drying. The drying time and temperature vary according to the specific mango dryer model. Generally, a temperature not exceeding 60°C (140°F) and a duration of approximately 8-12 hours are recommended. Midway through, flip the mango slices to promote uniform drying.

VI. Storage After Drying
Store the dried mangoes in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area to maintain their dryness and extend their shelf life.

By following these steps, you can preserve the taste and nutrition of mangoes during the drying process using a mango dryer. Dried mangoes not only make for delicious snacks but can also be incorporated into various baked goods to enhance their flavor.

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