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What is the duration of the drying process per batch?

2023-05-06 11:42:56

The drying equipment consists of two types: the drying room and the mesh belt dryer. For relatively smaller outputs, the drying room can be employed, allowing for the drying of hundreds to tens of thousands of kilograms per batch. If batch drying is required, the mesh belt dryer is more suitable as it can efficiently dry around ten to dozens of tons of fresh materials per day, offering convenience and speed.

The drying room operates as a high-temperature heat pump drying equipment that utilizes compressed air for heating. Developed based on traditional air-conditioning technology, it boasts stable performance, reliability, and a long service life. The drying room operates automatically 24 hours a day, ensuring optimal quality of the finished dried products without the need for special supervision. By employing the reverse Carnot principle, the equipment absorbs heat from the air, transferring it to the drying room to raise the temperature and facilitate the drying process of the materials. A heat pump, powered by electricity, extracts low-grade heat from natural air, water, or soil, and converts it into high-grade heat that can be utilized by people.

On the other hand, the mesh belt dryer features a multi-layer continuous drying mesh belt structure, enabling efficient and fast drying of materials. It can be customized with different heating methods to meet the specific requirements of customers. Additionally, it can be integrated with other supporting equipment to create a material drying production line, significantly enhancing production efficiency. Currently, it is considered an ideal method for drying and processing materials. The dryer employs a scientifically designed drying process tailored to the characteristics of the materials, ensuring uniform drying and stable quality. This approach results in better overall quality and wider application possibilities.

Regarding the drying time for each batch, it varies depending on the specific drying method employed and the heat source utilized, as these factors affect the temperature during the drying process. If peppers are dried in a drying room, the typical drying time per batch is approximately 20 to 30 hours. However, with a mesh belt pepper dryer, the peppers can generally be dried within 6 to 10 hours. It is important to note that the exact drying time is also influenced by factors such as the type of peppers, their initial moisture content, and other specific conditions.

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