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Henan Jinlu Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. subsidizes employees to study abroad, enhancing personal strength and company competitiveness

2023-07-20 14:11:22

Date: July 20, 2023

Jinlu Machinery has announced the launch of a new program to subsidize employees’ study abroad. This incentive plan aims to encourage employees to take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad, expand their professional knowledge and skills, and make greater contributions to the company’s future development. Through communication and learning, employees will be able to understand the business environment, industry trends, and the latest technological developments in different countries. These valuable experiences will enable employees to better adapt to the rapidly changing global market and create more business opportunities for the company.

At the same time, Jinlu Machinery will also provide opportunities for job promotions and salary adjustments for employees who have returned from studying abroad. This further motivates employees to actively participate in the study abroad program, bring their learned directors back to the company, and play a greater role in their new positions. The launch of this funding plan has received strong support and recognition from the company’s senior management.

Jinlu Machinery, as a people-oriented enterprise, has always been committed to the growth and development of its employees. This funding program for employee study abroad is not only an important investment for the company’s employees, but also an important measure to promote the company’s sustainable development. I believe that under the promotion of this plan, Jinlu Machinery will further consolidate its position in the market and develop broader cooperation opportunities globally.

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