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Faculty and Students from Foreign Language School of Zhengzhou Business College Visit and Exchange at Jinlu Machinery

2023-12-23 17:47:45

 Recently, Vice Dean Zhao Baocheng from the School of Foreign Languages at Zhengzhou University of Commerce led a group of faculty and students to visit and exchange at Henan Jinlu Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The main focus of this exchange was on student employment and training, providing them with practical opportunities and insights into industry trends.


During the visit, the faculty and students from the School of Foreign Languages visited the production workshop of Jinlu Machinery, gaining firsthand experience of the production process of their main product, the drying machine. This visit allowed the students to gain a preliminary understanding of the practical application of the drying machine. The drying machine, as the main product of Jinlu Machinery, has a wide range of applications, making this visit a valuable learning opportunity for the students.

This exchange not only deepened the students’ understanding of the drying machine but also provided them with the opportunity to interact face-to-face with company representatives, gaining insights into the company’s talent requirements and training expectations. Through this interactive exchange, the students gained a clearer understanding of their competitiveness and development direction in the job market.


Jinlu Machinery will continue to actively engage in exchange and cooperation with the school, providing students with more practical opportunities and employment guidance, helping them to secure smooth employment and contribute to society.

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