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Drying process of ginger slices

2023-06-21 17:04:39

The traditional method of drying ginger slices is to place them outdoors and use wind and sun to achieve natural drying. This method does not require any cost, but the drying effect depends on factors such as environmental temperature and weather, resulting in unstable quality and significant nutrient loss.


The air energy heat pump dryer is based on the inverse Carnot principle, using air as the source of heat, absorbing low-level heat energy from the continuous supply of air, and then converting low-level heat energy into high-level heat energy for material drying. Next, let’s take the ginger slice heat pump dryer as an example to introduce the drying process of ginger slices.

1.Choose ginger that is free from diseases, pests, and damage, whether fresh or aged. Wash the sediment and cut it into 3-5mm thick slices, not too thin;

2. After processing, evenly place the ginger slices on a tray without excessive overlap, otherwise the water vapor evaporation will not be smooth and the drying efficiency will be affected;

 3.Set the temperature of the drying room to 70 degrees Celsius and dry for 2 hours. This stage is mainly focused on drying;

 4.Gradually cool to 60 degrees Celsius and dry for 10hours, mainly focusing on drying and dehumidification;

 5.Raise the temperature again to 65 degrees Celsius, dry for 3hours, and the heat pump dryer will automatically stop when the set time is reached. Do not take it out in a hurry, it needs to be placed in the drying room to warm up again.

 6.Packaging: Use plastic bags to seal the packaging to prevent moisture from returning and keep it for processing other products.   



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