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Drying Process for Garlic

2023-07-17 15:57:59

Garlic is a type of edible plant belonging to the Allium family of the Amaryllidaceae. Its tender shoots, flower stalks, and bulbs are all edible. Garlic contains abundant amounts of allicin, which, under the action of alliinase, forms a volatile sulfide compound known as allicin. This substance contributes to the unique spicy flavor of garlic and has appetizing, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. By using a garlic dryer, the fresh garlic can be efficiently dried, preserving its original flavor and nutritional content, and achieving a milder aroma before consumption, while significantly extending its storage time.

The following is the drying process for garlic:

Garlic Selection: Choose garlic bulbs with a firm texture, intact cloves, plump grains, and clean white flesh.

Slicing: During the slicing process, it is crucial to control the thickness of the garlic slices, typically around 3mm.

Washing: During the slicing, the cut surface of the garlic slices may release a sticky gelatinous liquid. It is necessary to continuously rinse with water, removing the adhering liquid and impurities from the garlic slices, and then drain the excess water to proceed with the drying process as quickly as possible.

Garlic Slice Drying: Evenly spread the garlic slices on stainless steel trays and control the temperature at around 55-60°C for drying, which takes approximately 6-8 hours. During the drying process, it is important to maintain a stable hot air volume and moisture exhaust. In the later stages of drying, due to the fine fibers and viscous liquid in the garlic slices, the migration and evaporation of moisture become slower. The drying process is considered complete when the moisture content of the garlic slices reaches approximately 4-6%.

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